Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Disney Classic Scenes Part #1 - "We're All A Part of the Circle of Life"

My sister and I recently treated my mother to a trip to one of her favorite places on earth, Tunica, Miss. - home of a ton of casinos and most importantly, Paula Deen's Buffet. It's a good two and a half hour drive from our home, so, as usual, Mom slept, and Lucy and I do what we always do on a long roadtrip, discuss Disney trips of the past, get "too excited to sleep" about upcoming trips, and occasionally, jam out to some Disney tunes. Makes a two hour trip seem like two minutes.

On this particular trip, we're in a high debate about whether it's worth saving a few bucks to just do counter service meals or splurge on some table service goodness (aka CHEEEEEEEEESE sticks at Liberty Tree Tavern) when we were interrupted by the familiar sound of what has to be one of the greatest Disney classic tunes of all time..."The Circle of Life" from The Lion King.

At the same time, Lucy and I chanted. "BEST. MOVIE. SCENE. EVER."

And it's true in our book of spells. By the time Rafiki holds baby Simba, all gooey and dusty, up in the air and the animals are bowing to the new prince..."it moves us all". As far as I'm concerned, you can cut the movie off. It's moving, it gives me goosebumps, it's PURE. CLASSIC. DISNEY, from the sunrise until the title of the movie draws it to a close.

This then began a heated and fun discussion between us siblings on other great scenes we consider to be the best in Disney history, scenes we can watch over and over and never get tired of them...scenes that make us feel like a kid again, scenes that remind us why we all love the Disney brand SO much.

We also both agreed "When You Wish Upon a Star" from Pinocchio was a definitive moment in Disney history (so definative YouTube didn't have a clip of it.)

Though, in my mind, #2 on the list definately has to be this one:

Though Song of the South remains controversial, it's songs and characters remain dear to my heart - I didn't see the movie until I was an adult, but as a child, I had the record, and knew every song and tale by heart. And it's a cool thing I can share with my mother, who actually saw the movie herself as a child.

My sister and I are staunch defenders of the Disney villians, especially the Mistress of all Evil, Maleficent. Why? WOULD YOU CROSS THIS???

STUPID FAIRIES!! Maleficent actually stunned us both as children, me so to the point that I refused to attend a Sleeping Beauty puppet show at school as a child for fear SHE would be there. I show mad respect to the Dragon Lady.

Yay, though we carry the villian banner proudly...Lucy and I do have some glitter on our shoes. For her, this scene is definately in the top 5 Classic Disney Scenes of All Time, featuring the only Disney character that might possible could stand slipper to boot with a villian in her mind...that Belle.

And while we're on the subject of me, this is the ultimate Disney princess scene. After evilness even I couldn't condone by the ugly ugly UUUUUGLY stepsisters...FAIRY GODMOTHER TO THE RESCUE!

I don't know what I want more...a fairy godmother...or Gus Gus.

There's SO many more scenes to acknowledge that make us Disney fans tear up, laugh, or simply just happily be. Next time, we'll relive more classic scenes, as well as discuss some scenes from newer movies that already seem like ONE! SING IT IF YOU KNOW IT, PEOPLE!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I Know Who the Grim Grinning Ghosts Are

So I've had this conversation with family and friends many times. Not sure what exactly the reasoning is behind it all, and not sure if I really WANT to know but...

Ever notice its really rare for a main character in a Disney movie to have a full set of parents?


It's a great time killer for a long road trip. It's a great trivia question. It's a great ice-breaker...well, either they will get into it, or think you're a freak and leave, and REALLY, if they DON'T care if Nemo's gonna turn out to be a well-rounded clownfish, WHO NEEDS 'EM ANYWAYS?

There's even a topic about it on the Urban Legend forum (but they won't let me play - wonder if they heard about my hellraising in the PETA forums?)

It's a bit morbid. It's a bit weird. But...let's play.

Right off the top of my head, and I'm sure maybe somebody can correct me on this, but there's only a few main characters I can think of with a full set of parents. For one, the dalmation pups. Perdy and Pongo managed to escape the Disney Parental Chopping Block, which will here-on-out be referred to as the DPC. Also, Dash, Violet, and Jack Jack Parr of the Incredibles, though it looked iffy SEVERAL times, survived the DPC. And yes, Mousketeers, I'm counting sequels here - Kiara, daughter of Simba and Nala, made it through Lion King II with her mommy and daddy still there when the credits rolled.

Mulan, sure, she had her mom, her dad, and her grandmother...but Shang, bless his little sword swinging, horse-riding, no-equality loving heart, unfortunately lost his dad in battle.

And Nemo, since I've already brought him up, lost not only his mom, but about 293 siblings within the first five minutes.

Cinderella? Both parents. Left with the almighty powerful Lady Tremaine. *puts hand on heart*

Snow White? Same. Take away Tremaine and step-sisters, add Queen and Magic Mirror.

Aurora was lucky enough to have both parents in Sleeping Beauty, but where was Prince Phillip's mom? (I'm still bitter over the whole murdering the dragon thing so REALLY who cares about him anyway...)

Belle? No mom.

Jasmine? No mom..uh..queen..uh..Sultana..uh..what's the term here? And Aladdin was parentless, for that matter, as was mentioned in a song.

Tarzan? Unless you count the monkeys, he strikes out.

Simba? We started out with flying colors, but Mufasa went to the great Animal Kingdom in the sky midway through. Fortunately, as stated above, unless there's a Lion King IV: Ed's Revenge, Kiara was more fortunate than her dad. we have to go there?

Koda..gawd, wasn't Brother Bear a bloodbath? Cute little Koda lost his mom in the movie...heck, there's not even a mention of the parents of Kenai, Denahi, and the late Sitka.

Lilo? Nope. Not immune to the DPC.

Ariel? King o' the Sea for a dad, but no mom-maid to speak of.

Shall we go on?

Pull up your doombuggy and help me out here. I think we may have discovered exactly WHO the 999 grim grinning ghosts are in the Haunted Mansion....